C-Brick Concrete Masonry Units
Smooth Face • Split Face • Burnished
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Why Choose Our C-Brick Masonry Units?
ATTRACTIVE & ECONOMICAL: C-Brick Concrete Masonry Units offer a truly unique alternative to clay brick, while still providing an appealing brick-like appearance. C-Brick also allows customers to benefit from reduced costs in many ways by providing a concrete masonry unit that can function as a single-wythe wall instead of a veneer type wall. View the range of c-brick colors here.
PERFORMANCE & SUSTAINABILITY: C-Brick has the ability to perform with all the durable characteristics that a concrete masonry unit has to offer. The structural integrity of C-Brick allows designers to remain confident in the longevity and life cycle of any project. C-Brick is integrally colored, it is not just an applied face which is prone to fading over time.
DESIGN FLEXIBILITY: Whether designed as a veneer or a through the wall single-wythe load bearing wall system, C-Brick delivers amazing results. C-Brick can function as a finished wall surface on one or both faces, making it a superior choice for sound barriers, screen walls, or on buildings where the look of brick is required on both the interior and exterior walls. Refer to specifications on page 4 for ASTM requirements that are always exceeded with C-Brick manufactured by Grand Blanc Cement Products.
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