Standard CMU Sizes • Oversize Units • Modular Brick Sizes

Burnished Block

Grand Blanc Cement Products has been manufacturing Burnished block or “Ground-Faced” Masonry Units for over forty years. Produced in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors, Burnished Units provide design flexibility when choosing the right products for any building. After grinding the face of the block to expose the variegated colors of the aggregate, a factory coat of acrylic sealant is applied to enhance the natural beauty of the surface. Burnished Masonry Units are also mold and mildew resistant making them ideal for both interior and exterior applications.

With integral color and exceptional structural integrity, Burnished Units (Ground Face CMU) perform well in today’s demanding architectural markets. Grand Blanc Cement Products continuous efforts to produce the highest-quality Burnished Masonry will provide both designers and customers alike, the confidence they require on every project. Many projects including schools, health care facilities, public buildings and sporting venues will enjoy the enduring beauty and benefits of Burnished Masonry.

Grand Blanc Cement Products also manufactures Burnished Filled Masonry Units by exposing the aggregate’s range of color and “filling” the pores with a cementitious grout. A factory coat of acrylic sealant is then applied, creating a unique terrazzo-like finish and luster. Burnished Filled Units are graffiti resistant, extremely durable, and help projects maintain a new appearance years after completion.

Burnished Benchmark™ Series & Burnished Column Block

Burnished Benchmark™ Series Masonry Units are oversized by design to provide clients with a dramatic monumental look combined with elegance and beauty. These units offer the same attractive appearance as other Burnished products but on a larger scale. Cost efficient as well as versatile, Burnished Benchmark Units also deliver value and longevity to any building project.

Burnished Benchmark™ Units are produced in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors including 24” & 36” Column Block. The emphasis on the natural beauty of colored aggregates provide a luxurious and grand appearance with all Burnished Benchmark™ products.

Burnished Soundblox®

Grand Blanc Cement Products offers a variety of solutions for noise reduction and absorption with Burnished Soundblox®. Manufactured in a wide range of colors, these attractive and versatile units perform very well in auditoriums, gymnasiums, classrooms, churches and recreational facilities. Burnished Soundblox® in-place cost is low by comparison to other acoustic material and will provide years of beauty and reliability

Burnished Plaza Stone

Burnished Plaza Stone adds a new dimension to the expanding Burnished Architectural Market. Delivering both a rugged and refined look, Burnished Plaza Stone has become a cornerstone for Grand Blanc Cement Products line of Burnished Masonry. Available in several shapes, sizes, and colors, these diverse units will furnish designers and their clients with a unique appearance on any building. An inspiring combination of Burnished and Spiltface texture is certain to enhance the natural beauty of concrete masonry in every Burnished Plaza Stone Project.

Burnished Recycled & Burnished Recycled Filled

Grand Blanc Cement Products commitment to environmental quality has never been stronger. We offer a variety of Burnished Masonry & Ground Face CMU units manufactured with recycled content to meet or exceed the demands of LEED® point criteria. With many colors and shapes to choose from, the flexibility to design “Green” building projects is exceptional. Regionally extracted, processed and manufactured materials provide consumers with a minimum of 40% pre-consumer recycled content by weight.

Burnished Recycled Masonry Units are manufactured with the same high quality standards that are found in Burnished Units. Interior and exterior applications are mold and mildew resistant and easy to clean. Factory applied acrylic sealants emphasize the natural beauty of the exposed aggregates color.

Burnished Recycled Filled Units offer sustainable solutions for years of reliability and unmatched beauty. By exposing the variegated colors of the aggregate and then “filling” the pores with a cementitious grout, a unique terrazzo-like finish is produced. Providing unparalleled quality and durability, Burnished Recycled Filled Units also offer high thermal mass qualities by reducing heating and cooling costs which also benefits the environment.

burnished block

Click here to download our full burnished masonry & ground face CMU architectural guide (PDF)

Click here for a full selection of our burnished masonry colors