Grand Blanc Cement Products offers a wide range of services that can assist designers and contractors with any project. Whether it’s in the early planning stages or prior to production, our team of hands-on specialists will go to great lengths to make sure that your needs are always met. We can provide samples of any color and texture from our large array of options, and we will ship them anywhere in the country in a timely manner. Our knowledgeable and attentive staff is always ready to help with questions or inquiries regarding all of the products we manufacture and sell. When it comes to shipping, our logistics team will make sure your projects are supplied with material wherever and whenever you need it. We take great pride in making sure that our products arrive on time and in good condition. Grand Blanc Cement Products has always believed that maintaining great service is just as important as manufacturing quality material. Our commitment to consistently providing excellent service will help you achieve the kind of results you expect every time.
Finding solutions and overcoming obstacles are challenges that Grand Blanc Cement Products is always prepared for. We work hard to provide answers and support for customers who encounter demanding situations when designing or constructing their project. We are also pleased to offer suggestions and ideas based on thousands of projects that we have manufactured material for in just about every market. With our vast resources and experience, we can assist designers and contractors in numerous ways in order to make sure they get the right answers. In addition, when time sensitive situations arise, we will pursue every option available to help get everyone back on track and reduce the cost of unexpected delays. Whether it’s getting a sample expedited right away or perhaps shipping multiple truck-loads of material to a jobsite thousands of miles away, Grand Blanc Cement Products pledges to always be a part of the solution. Please contact us anytime and we will make sure you get the answers and results you are looking for.